Fanfury Tech Update — January 2023

3 min readJan 9, 2023

Good FURYans!

In the spirit of transparency and good faith, we wrote to you about the factors that have been directly impacting the growth of Fanfury. We ended that conversation on a positive note regarding how we aim to address the issues and still keep building.

Today, in an addendum to that article, we’ll address some of the issues we’ve worked on over the last few weeks, including issues from the audit report, as well as critical issues that were brought to light!

Epic 1

Audit Report: addressing findings and bugs

It would be remiss for us to start with anything other than the hard work from our development team. In that spirit, we are extremely proud to announce that bar one critical bug, every other issue pointed out by our security audit, related to minor bugs, has since been eradicated.

As it stands, our Juno smart contracts and all of the issues highlighted under the audit report by our partners at Saulidity have been mitigated. The report will be made publicly available after the launch of Gameplay.

The security issues will be addressed in detail with a Technical Report, however here are some of the additional issues that have been addressed on the frontend:

  • Update wallet & contract addresses as per the security advice- Completed
  • Add tooltips for ease of use — Completed
  • Enabled graphs for Swap, Liquidity and Fan club pages, (not live yet) — Completed
  • Keplr wallet integration, mobile fix — Completed
  • Fetched Locked $FURY directly from contract rather than using SubQuery to display on Fan Clubs page (not live yet) — Completed
  • Leaderboard page for Fan Clubs (not live yet) — Completed
  • Changing overall Webapp UI to match a new theme — Completed
  • Create & Integrate new API with existing API for Fan Club pages — Completed

Epic 2

Vesting & Claims: contract claims and investor vesting issues

As has been cited by both users & investors alike, a serious issue has been investor token claims. The team would like to emphasize that we have and will continue to ensure your funds are safe and protected.

We are currently working on a viable solution to the issue but nonetheless, your tokens are safe, and most importantly continue with vesting daily. This means once the issue is resolved you will be able to make claims seamlessly up to the date the claim is being initiated.

Note :
We also want to address the
Crew3 Rewards, to point out that since the contracts are being actively worked upon we would distribute rewards only once the next release is complete.

We urge users to read the T&C on the Crew3 page for a better understanding of the rules and reward timelines.
Rest assured we value the time and effort put in by all participants and the rewards will be paid out as mentioned in the
terms of the FanQuests.

Epic 3
Gameplay: Seamless Multichain Sports Hub

As many of you know we briefly shipped gameplay on Juno Mainnet during Q4 of 2022.

Even if only for a brief period, the feedback and activity on gameplay was amazing!!

As a team, this has been a tremendous inspiration for us to continue where many haven’t.

A migration & airdrop completed within months on a new chain comes with its own set of challenges.

These are challenges which have required the team to constantly keep evolving with our approach, while we navigate the shark-infested waters of a bear market. It has made us resilient and has served only to give us renewed confidence in the product we have built and its utility,

Which is all, in the end to say that we have to, unfortunately, acknowledge that we’re currently living by Murphy’s Laws!!

Current developments have forced us to push our timelines forward with our roadmap, which will be updated on our website by Friday 13th, and gives us an estimated timeline of ~3 weeks to ship, bringing us close to the 30th of January!

Over the next few days, we will be addressing Epic 3, and how we will be looking to achieve our goals over the month! This is an important phase in our journey and as always, the community will be given the biggest opportunity to take part in that journey!

It’s also important at this point, for us to take the time to acknowledge the help and support we have received from our Investors, the Cosmos Network, as well as some of the most well known cosmos developers who have stepped in at critical times, providing us with their valuable time and experience!

And as always, our community, who have always shown unwavering faith in Fanfury!!




Fanfury is a decentralized fantasy sports dApp, built on casino and sports blockchain, Furya Chain, that brings trust-less play-to-own gaming to everyone.